Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Pass the Class



  1. Great story and great to see you posting again ❤️

  2. After experiencing sex in Christina's body, Phil found himself fascinated with the younger girl.
    Shortly after his swap class ended, Phil broke up with his girlfriend and he and Christina became a couple.

  3. Little did Phil know that Christina had been having sex for weeks with Dana in his body and had grown to love it and Dana. While she was having sex with Phil, she pulled out her cell phone and started taking pictures. Once she had the pictures of Phil having sex with a guy in her virgin body (pictures that she made sure to edit so they didn't show much of the guy other than his 8 inch cock) she turned him in for violating the rules of swap class.

    Then she was given the option. Keep Phil's life and body or return to her body. She chose to keep Phil's and as a punishment Phil had to sign a NDA preventing him from telling anyone that they were swapped.
