Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Little Taste


  1. Hey, I've been following your blog for a while now. I love your work. I feel like this is a newer blog that's rising to be one of the top tier ones. Do you take requests? If so, is there a way I could contact you?

    1. Thanks! Appreciate the compliment :)

      Since everything can be anonymous here, any request or communication can be posted here in the comments. Thanks for reading!

  2. Thanks. I just realized I put my username in one comment. Can you delete that comment to?
    Gotta request for you! There's 2 daughters who need to do remote learning cus of quarantine. This learning includes swap class at home. The daughters swap bods with their brother and father. I think this idea would be great for 2 caps. Thanks!

  3. What if it all back-fires and Steve loves being Brooke? Can she force him to swap back?

  4. A small price to pay for more time.
